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Deluxe Water Resistant Bluetooth Speaker

  • 6 hour play time with physical control buttons
  • Compatible with any bluetooth-enabled device
  • Suction cup on the back for showers, kitchens, car, and more
Production Time: 18 Working Days
100 $21.74 each
250 $18.92 each
500 $18.64 each
1000 $17.36 each
Water resistant bluetooth speaker is a hands free portable speaker with built-in mic, 6 hour playtime, control buttons and dedicated suction cup for showers, bathroom, kitchen, pool, car, beach and outdoor. Compatible with music devices such as smart phones, tablets, PC's, laptops and many more.

Normal Production Time
18 Working Days

Product Size
3.74 IN Tall X 3.42 IN Wide

Additional Information
Price Includes Color: 1 color

Price Includes Location: 1 location

Location1: Front on the silver badge on speaker

Decoration Method: Epoxy domed

Packaging: Carabiner, mini aux cable & individual box