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Oak Frame Combination Board - 48"x 36"

  • 1" solid oak frame in your choice of 6 finishes
  • Comes complete with a wall bracket for easy installation
  • Customize your display with crisp, high definition imprinting
  • Want your board to be vertical? No problem - specify when ordering!
Production Time: 45 Working Days
1 $800.00 each
10 $750.00 each
25 $730.00 each
50 $720.00 each
Bring variety to your business by being able to display whiteboard messages and cork board bulletins at the same time! Choose two of three surface options: chalk, cork, or wet-erase! Protected with a choice of 6 standard finishes, this board is built to last in offices, bars, restaurants, and other high-traffic environments.


Note: We cannot guarantee liquid chalkboard pens will work with this product.

Normal Production Time
45 Working Days

Product Size
48"x 36"

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
Each Viewable Area: 22.5" x 40"