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PU Leather Dice Cup

Production Time: 7 Working Days
100 $12.24 each
250 $10.14 each
500 $7.48 each
750 $6.74 each
1000 $6.66 each
2000 $4.08 each
3000 $4.04 each
5000 $3.46 each
7500 $3.44 each
10000 $3.34 each
Host a game night with friends and use this stylish dice cup to feel like you're out at the casino! This 3.1" x 3.6" product is made of PU leather and PP material and offers a high-quality design and excellent workmanship. Whether used in casinos, parties, or any public place of entertainment, this item will always make a fun addition. Orders of 2,000 pieces or greater are eligible for sea shipping. Shake up the competition and order for your next event.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size

Additional Information
3.1" x 3.6" dice cup with imprint options.